Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Real Quest

It was after Three years, Eight months and Seven days, they had called me to receive an award – a Young Achiever sort of thing – which made me remember the day my plus two results were out, that is 9th May 2008.
I had no idea about how much I would get in my Higher Secondary Examinations. I had completely used the liberty provided to me by my Bodh Gaya – St.Xavier’s HSS, I had never assessed myself through Exams, and in Final Exams I had written whatever I had thought as Right. That’s it, the story ended there itself. I didn’t expect anything, My teachers didn’t expect me do anything new, My school never thought of a leap in results. Many “well-wishers” asked me about my expected marks and my answer to all of them was “err… anything beyond 900 is possible…” and at last it was 9th May 2008 ( I can write a whole post on that day alone ! ), results were out. I had got 1174 out of 1200. That’s all…! There is nothing more specific that I had done. There is no achievement at all !
After all these days, Sourashtra Students Society of Palayamkottai had invited me to get a cash award for being the overall topper in Higher Secondary Examinations from Sourashtra community till date, and named it as “Young Achiever Award”. But I do know that I hadn’t achieved anything. Marks! they have just let me choose an institution that was considered as prestigious, nothing else. So why accept it? I have accepted the award not as an award but as a challenge. Here is the deal, I keep the money given to me without spending or investing on anything, until I make a Real achievement. At the end when I do really achieve something in Life, that is satisfying me, I will spend that money on a book, I am going to invest it on knowledge. Till then, my quest will continue…!

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