Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Captain

For Him, the Passengers are of more importance than His Ship. He either leads them swim or gives them a boat. He would never let them sink with Him.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Real Quest

It was after Three years, Eight months and Seven days, they had called me to receive an award – a Young Achiever sort of thing – which made me remember the day my plus two results were out, that is 9th May 2008.
I had no idea about how much I would get in my Higher Secondary Examinations. I had completely used the liberty provided to me by my Bodh Gaya – St.Xavier’s HSS, I had never assessed myself through Exams, and in Final Exams I had written whatever I had thought as Right. That’s it, the story ended there itself. I didn’t expect anything, My teachers didn’t expect me do anything new, My school never thought of a leap in results. Many “well-wishers” asked me about my expected marks and my answer to all of them was “err… anything beyond 900 is possible…” and at last it was 9th May 2008 ( I can write a whole post on that day alone ! ), results were out. I had got 1174 out of 1200. That’s all…! There is nothing more specific that I had done. There is no achievement at all !
After all these days, Sourashtra Students Society of Palayamkottai had invited me to get a cash award for being the overall topper in Higher Secondary Examinations from Sourashtra community till date, and named it as “Young Achiever Award”. But I do know that I hadn’t achieved anything. Marks! they have just let me choose an institution that was considered as prestigious, nothing else. So why accept it? I have accepted the award not as an award but as a challenge. Here is the deal, I keep the money given to me without spending or investing on anything, until I make a Real achievement. At the end when I do really achieve something in Life, that is satisfying me, I will spend that money on a book, I am going to invest it on knowledge. Till then, my quest will continue…!